Our Work
PowerLines will serve as a hub for modernizing utility regulation by bringing together diverse stakeholders to share ideas, resources, and solutions on a path forward to effective utility regulation.
The Problem
Most people have never heard of their state’s public utilities commissioners.
Public utilities commissioners set the rules that impact your energy bills and quality of service. They need to hear from people and communities about the issues they face.
Most states have an outdated utility regulatory system that is not prepared to tackle modern energy challenges.
The policies and regulations that helped create the energy system and grid we have today were designed for an earlier century.
The public rarely engages in public utilities commission proceedings.
Overly complex and technical processes make it hard for the public to engage in processes where their input is critically needed.
Our Approach
State public utilities commissions (PUCs) have a crucial role to play in protecting consumers, ensuring affordable and reliable energy, advancing energy justice, and promoting economic development.
PowerLines focuses on three key aspects of modernizing the utility regulatory system: people, policy, and process.
Each state has a PUC with 3 to 7 commissioners who oversee the utilities. In most states, commissioners are appointed by their governor, while some states elect their commissioners. PowerLines will ensure that commissioners advance the public interest in their decisions.
State legislatures define the authority their PUCs have to regulate utilities. These definitions are outdated, as are the rules around how utilities plan investments. PowerLines will work to advance smarter planning, better incentives, and stronger consumer protection in these efforts.
Public input in PUC proceedings is critical to ensure the public interest is advanced in PUC decisions. But PUC processes can be hard to navigate without lawyers and experts to help out. PowerLines will support community groups and other stakeholders in making their voices heard across PUCs.
State Public Utilities Commissions
Find out how your state’s public utilities commission (PUC) is structured and who serves on it.
Stay tuned for updates to this interactive dashboard as we incorporate additional features.
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